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Instagram Type @ or # to link to an account or hashtag

To type @ or # to link to an account or hashtag on Instagram, simply type the @ or # symbol followed by the name of the account or hashtag. For example, to link to the Instagram account of Google AI, you would type @googleai. To link to the hashtag #artificialintelligence, you would type #artificialintelligence.

Once you have typed the @ or # symbol followed by the name of the account or hashtag, Instagram will automatically suggest accounts and hashtags that match your query. You can then select the account or hashtag that you want to link to by tapping on it.

Once you have selected the account or hashtag that you want to link to, it will be inserted into your text as a hyperlink. When you publish your post or story, your followers will be able to tap on the @ symbol or hashtag to visit the account or hashtag page.

Here are some examples of how to use @ and # symbols to link to accounts and hashtags on Instagram:

* Post: I'm so excited to announce that I'm joining the Google AI team! Follow me at @googleai to learn more about my work on artificial intelligence. #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #deeplearning

* Story: I'm reading a really interesting book about artificial intelligence. Check it out! #artificialintelligence #books #reading

You can also use @ and # symbols to link to accounts and hashtags in your Instagram bio. For example, you could list the accounts of the people or businesses that you follow, or you could list the hashtags that you are interested in.

By using @ and # symbols to link to accounts and hashtags on Instagram, you can make your posts and stories more engaging and informative for your followers.

## On Instagram, you can use the "@" symbol to tag or mention a user's account and the "#" symbol to add a hashtag to your posts or comments. Here's how you can do it:

1. Mentioning a User (@):

   - To mention a user in a caption, comment, or story, simply type "@" followed by the username (e.g., "@username").

   - As you type, Instagram will suggest usernames based on what you've entered. You can select the appropriate user from the suggestions.

2. Adding a Hashtag (#):

   - To add a hashtag to your caption or comment, type "#" followed by the keyword or phrase you want to hashtag (e.g., "#travel" or "#foodie").

   - Instagram will suggest popular hashtags as you type, and you can select one from the list if it's relevant to your post.

Here are a few tips and things to keep in mind:

- When you mention someone using "@," they will receive a notification, and their username will become a clickable link to their profile.

- Hashtags are used to categorize and discover content related to specific topics. When you click on a hashtag, you can see all the posts that have used that hashtag.

- Avoid using spaces or special characters within usernames or hashtags. Use letters, numbers, and underscores for usernames and letters and numbers for hashtags.

- You can include multiple usernames or hashtags in a single caption or comment.

Using "@" to mention other users and "#" for hashtags is a fundamental aspect of Instagram's social interaction and content discovery features. It helps users connect with one another and find content that interests them.

Feel free to ask questions in the comments section!


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