BGMI Download OBB Service is Running Problem in Battleground Mobile India Problem Solved

So, I'm going to explain what exactly the problem is and I'll tell you how to fix this problem. If you want to know read the article till the end and fix the problem. And this Obb is a Pubg file. So, friends, I will explain to you how we can solve this problem.

BGMI Download OBB Service is Running Problem in Battleground Mobile India Problem Solved

  • First of all, if you don't have an Obb file then you will get this kind of problem.
  • If you don't have an Obb file and your login to Pubg then you will get a download option.
  • Your Obb file will be downloading in the background and because of that, you will be notified.
  • If you haven't installed Pubg from the play store then go to any of your friends who has Pubg.
  • And then transfer the Pubg Obb file from his xender to yours.
  • Go to android search Obb and send it to your phone through xender. Xender is a file transfer and sharing app.
  • So when you send it will appear on xender now move it to android and paste the file into Obb.
  • Now go to settings scroll down click on "App management" and go to apps.
  • Now search Pubg go to storage usage and clear all the data.
  • Now go back and allow the permissions or else later on you may get the problem.
  • After you allow permission check data usage and enable all the permission.
  • Now let's log in to Pubg and see.

So, friends, this is how you can solve the problem. Hope you like the article. Thanks for visiting our website.
